shutter island

shutter island —

The small mind breeds small thoughts
To the podium, one road, no short cuts
Through it, at times… you feel insecure
Like an Atheist w/ no faith in the future

From: Who is who? To: Who will it be?
Too: What is what? So: What will it be?
— those who want to know everything
— unfortunately will not see anything

Do not get into it, if, you do not know it
So much you know; so little you control
Think of the (what to do) + the (through)
Do it. Not to sink ‘you’ in what’s untrue

A cast pretends and fast gain the friend
The bend, it quickly bends to a last end
Do the sum. The gasped words sold a lie
Cold opens to none, being a broken why


— Ricardo Sexton

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